Offer a helping hand to fellow parishioners in their time of grief. The committee serves as host for the luncheon which is provided by the family of the deceased. It is a group that does not have a set schedule and it is understood that members may not be available for all luncheons. We provide a grieving family with food, fellowship and time to exchange fond memories. It is a tangible way for our faith community to love a grieving family when they need it the most.
The Giving Tree program is active during the Advent season. Some preparation is needed prior to Thanksgiving to setup a schedule based on the needs of the Agencies. All information is confidential.
Coordinate and assist in the preparing of the annual OLG Giving Tree which serves many, many families in Medina County and also includes multiple agencies that we support during the Christmas season. Set up the Giving Tree in vestibule with ornaments. Collect gifts after each Mass. Sort by agency or family. Arrange for pick up or delivery. A binder with all the information and setup procedures is provided.
The rosary group is dedicated to reciting the Rosary for Peace every Thursday evening. In good weather, they meet at the Shrine. They also make rosaries which are sent to various parts of the world such as Africa and South America. These folks are very grateful to receive a rosary and embrace their faith.
When you give your time to God, you’re prepared to meet the challenges of life. New and younger prayer leaders are needed for this ministry.
Jesus waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ.
Adoration is held every Tuesday in the Church immediately after the 8 am Mass until 6 pm.
Eucharistic Adoration is the opportunity to answer His call by spending time with His true presence in the Eucharist, so that we can establish a truly personal relationship with Him. During Adoration, we remain silent in His Presence and open ourselves to His love and Mercy.
As is tradition, we do not want to leave the Blessed Sacrament alone. No limit to the number of people per hour.
If you would like to join us, volunteer for a time slot, or meet with us to help us grow our Adoration Community, please reach out to
The Art and Environment Ministry helps to create and foster a sense of beauty and reverence in the worship space throughout the liturgical year. The Sanctuary is enhanced through the use of plants, flowers, banners, fabrics, etc. guided by the Liturgy Documents and other resources. This ministry welcomes new ideas and members work collaboratively together to enhance the beauty of the church. Men and women of this ministry set the liturgical environment for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Confirmation and First Communion, May Crowning, Christ the King, and maintain the Sanctuary plants during Ordinary Time.
"Hope for Healing” - We are called to care for the dying, pray for the dead and comfort those who mourn with words of faith and support and acts of kindness (Order of Christian Funerals, #8 & 13). Team members assist with the Annual Mass of Remembrance and grief support groups.
"Prayers Work Wonders” - We recognize the importance of prayer in our daily lives as well as the need for immediate prayer requests. Card Ministry--be a team member who is willing to share God’s love through the mail by sending cards throughout the year to the bereaved, the elderly, homebound, and those on our OLG prayer list.
Opportunities for additional training for those who are interested.
Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life after a divorce is complex, confusing, and often heartbreaking. People wonder about a number of issues. Does the church still care about them? The answer is a resounding YES! A hallmark of Christ’s ministry was His identification with those who are hurting and suffering: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” One might add, “I was divorced and you still cared about me and you did not abandon me.” The church wants to help in the process of healing after divorce. We who are involved in ministry to the divorced are called to help them experience the charity and healing of Christ, the Divine Physician. We welcome you with charity, kindness, and mercy! READ MORE...
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church. They are commissioned by the Pastor to distribute Holy Communion at Mass or during a visit to the elderly, sick or home bound of their parish community. Eucharist Ministers are expected to live their faith in service to God’s people by being Christ to all those they encounter.
The Hospitality Ministry reflects the warmth and welcome of Christ himself. The faith of an usher/greeter allows them to see Christ’s presence in each person they greet. By their dress, attitude, words, and demeanor, they reflect the reverence and joy of encountering God in every Mass.
An Altar Server is integral to the normal celebration of the Mass; at least one sever should assist the priest. On Sundays and other important Holy Days and Sacramental Liturgies, at least two or more servers should be present to carry out various functions. Servers carry the processional cross, hold the Missal for the priest when he is not at the altar, assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, present the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, and help wash the hands of the priest.
The Music Ministry supports and encourages “full and active” participation as the voice of the assembly is the primary voice in worship. Singing unifies and deepens our communal prayer as we become one voice, one body in Christ.
Since the Eucharist is the “action of the whole church” (GIRM, Intro. 5), all of us have an “individual right and duty to contribute” (GIRM, 58). Some are called to do so in a particular way through liturgical ministries, such as that of Reader.The Reader proclaims the First and Second Reading, and the Prayer of the Faithful (Intercessions) when the Deacon is not present.